Fall classes began at UNC on August 21, but the North Carolina Study Center started the year a little early with its inaugural Carolina Way Camp. 110 incoming first-years joined 30 student counselors and volunteers at Camp Thunderbird in Lake Wylie, SC to spend four days forming Christian community before starting their time at UNC-Chapel Hill.
Though the camp lasted four days, time flew by as students spent time swimming, paddle boarding, and even participating in an all camp dance party. NC Study Center staff and partner campus ministries challenged students gain a larger view of Jesus Christ, equipping them with a faith that will address their nagging doubts, deepest longings and highest hopes. Students enjoyed the engaging, applicable sessions along with the designated cabin discussion that followed and counselors shared encouraging stories of fellowship and prayer flowing throughout all of camp.
Back on campus, the effects are already being felt as freshmen now have a baseline community of 100-plus friends to share life with:
“I get to live in community with these people for the next four years,” said first-year Holly Sherburne. “A four-year-long ‘camp high’ doesn’t fade, it becomes a lifestyle. Walking with my new friends to class and passing them in the quad, it is reassuring to know that I have people to fall back on, and also that these people are also going into the heart of campus and shining as a light for Jesus.”
Excitement is high in Chapel Hill as the campus community wait expectantly for all of the good that the Lord will accomplish in the lives of these first years and more.
We are grateful for the donors who made this experience possible a remarkable number of students (with registration costs of only $100), and for the student leaders and volunteers who made this year's camp so special.
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Click here to see our camp photo album on Facebook!