Law and Politics: Honoring God in Private Practice & Public Service
5:15 PM17:15

Law and Politics: Honoring God in Private Practice & Public Service

How do we remain faithful in our vocation under pressure and how do we serve others in our work?

Come join us as we listen to Former Congressman Mike McIntyre share about his experiences working in law and politics and how to approach our vocations with a faith and service mind-set.

Speaker Bio

Recognized in the newest edition of Best Lawyers in America, Mike McIntyre is Senior Advisor for Government Relations & Economic Development with the law firm of Ward and Smith. Before joining this firm, he held the position of Congressman of North Carolina's 7th Congressional District in the U.S. House of Representatives, serving for 18 years.

A former Morehead Scholar at UNC, Mike went on to receive numerous awards and honors including the H. Brent McKnight “Renaissance Lawyer Award” from the NC Bar Association in 2024, an honorary Doctor of Laws degree by UNC-Chapel Hill "for outstanding accomplishment in public service” in 2023, and the Distinguished Public Service Award in 2013 from The Secretary of the Navy, the highest civilian award given by the Navy, for his exceptional leadership and work on behalf of the Navy and Marine Corps.

In Congress he co-chaired the Congressional Prayer Caucus and was Founder & Chair of the Congressional Caucus on Youth Sports. He served on the Board of the US Naval Academy and was a member of the US Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe, also known as "the Helsinki Commission".

He and his wife Dee have two sons, Joshua and Stephen, and three grandchildren: Hamilton, Will and Ruth. Stephen practices law in Lumberton, and his wife, Angelica, is Chief District Court Judge for Robeson County. His son, Joshua, who also is an attorney, is Senior Director for the North Carolina Advocates for Justice, and his wife, Sarah, practices family law in Durham.

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Developing a Christian Mind: A Conference for Grad Students
to Jan 25

Developing a Christian Mind: A Conference for Grad Students

What does our calling to be disciples of Christ mean for our academic life, whether we remain in the Academy or pursue professional careers beyond graduate school? 

What are some of the promises and pitfalls of the scholarly life? How can academics and postgraduate students serve and relate to the wider body of Christ, the Church? Considering these questions is a matter of Christian discipleship for graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and academics.

Join other UNC, Duke, and NC State graduate students, postdocs, and faculty as we explore integrating our faith with our academic life through this two-day conference. The event will include lectures by academics including Christina Gibson-Davis (Public Policy), Peter Feaver (Political Science), Ehsan Samei (Radiology), Molly Worthen (History), Nathan Thielman (Medicine), Jeremy Purvis (Genetics), and Norman Wirzba (Theology). There is also plenty of time for discipline-based discussion. Registration includes discussion group dinners hosted by faculty around Durham and Chapel Hill on Friday evening.

Please note, this event is for Christian graduate students and faculty only. To learn more about the conference, please click the button below.

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Brown Bag Lunch with Chancellor Lee Roberts
12:00 PM12:00

Brown Bag Lunch with Chancellor Lee Roberts

Join us for a special opportunity to share lunch with Chancellor Lee Roberts!

As the university’s chief executive officer, Chancellor Lee Roberts oversees the academic, research, and student affairs at UNC. Chancellor Roberts will join us for a brown-bag lunch at the Study Center on 1/31 at 12pm. This student-only event is your chance to bring your questions and ideas to the table. Bring your lunch and come be part of the conversation—we’d love to see you there!

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Hope for an Anxious Age: Andy Crouch on Relationships, Technology, and Flourishing
7:00 PM19:00

Hope for an Anxious Age: Andy Crouch on Relationships, Technology, and Flourishing

Anxious. Stressed. Busy. “Connected.” Lonely.

Is there a relationship between technology and the high levels of anxiety that characterize our culture today? Andy Crouch is a noted thinker and writer whose work addresses this and related questions. He has written extensively about the effects of technology on human relationships and is gifted at considering how Christians can live well in the modern world. Come join us as Andy helps us consider whether there is a clear path to health and human flourishing, and whether it is available to us today.

Event Details

  • Date: January 16th, 2025

  • Time: 7:00 - 8:30 pm

  • Location: Carolina Union Auditorium

  • Format: Lecture followed by Q&A

Space is limited, so RSVP below!

Speaker Bio

Andy Crouch is partner for theology and culture at Praxis, a venture-building ecosystem advancing redemptive entrepreneurship. His writing explores faith, culture, and the image of God in the domains of technology, power, leadership, and the arts. He is the author of five books (plus another with his daughter, Amy Crouch): The Life We're Looking For: Reclaiming Relationship in a Technological World, The Tech-Wise Family: Everyday Steps for Putting Technology in Its Proper Place, Strong and Weak: Embracing a Life of Love, Risk and True Flourishing, Playing God: Redeeming the Gift of Power, and Culture Making: Recovering Our Creative Calling.

Andy serves on the governing board of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship. For more than ten years he was an editor and producer at Christianity Today, including serving as executive editor from 2012 to 2016. He served the John Templeton Foundation in 2017 as senior strategist for communication. His work and writing have been featured in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Time, and several editions of Best Christian Writing and Best Spiritual Writing—and, most importantly, received a shout-out in Lecrae's 2014 single "Non-Fiction."

From 1998 to 2003, Andy was the editor-in-chief of re:generation quarterly, a magazine for an emerging generation of culturally creative Christians. For ten years he was a campus minister with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship at Harvard University. He studied classics at Cornell University and received an M.Div. summa cum laude from Boston University School of Theology. A classically trained musician who draws on pop, folk, rock, jazz, and gospel, he has led musical worship for congregations of 5 to 20,000. He and his wife, Catherine, raised two children and live in Swarthmore, Pennsylvania.

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Complications: Navigating clinical training around sexuality, reproduction, and abortion
5:15 PM17:15

Complications: Navigating clinical training around sexuality, reproduction, and abortion

  • North Carolina Study Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Post the Dobbs Supreme Court decision, the subjects of sexuality, reproduction, and abortion have become especially fraught within American healthcare.

Join us as Dr. Ellery Sarosi, an ob/gyn resident, Dr. Sarah Ruff, a family physician with long experience in reproductive healthcare, and Dr. Farr Curlin (moderator) consider the challenges and opportunities Christians face in navigating these issues within health professions training.

Dr. Ellery Sarosi, MD

Dr. Ellery Sarosi is an Obstetrics and Gynecology resident at the University of Michigan Hospital in Ann Arbor, Michigan, where she began her residency in June 2023. A recent graduate of the University of Michigan Medical School (2023), Dr. Sarosi earned her MD after five years of rigorous academic and clinical training. Throughout her medical education, she has demonstrated a commitment to advancing women's health and reproductive care, developing a strong foundation in both academic medicine and patient-centered practice.

Dr. Sarah Ruff, MD

Dr. Sarah C. Ruff is a family medicine doctor in Chapel Hill, North Carolina and is affiliated with multiple hospitals in the area, including UNC Hospitals and UNC Rex Hospital. She received her medical degree from Michigan State University College of Human Medicine.

Dr. Farr A. Curlin, MD

Farr Curlin, MD, is Josiah Trent Professor of Medical Humanities in the Trent Center for Bioethics, Humanities, & History of Medicine and Co-Director of the Theology, Medicine and Culture Initiative (TMC) at Duke University. Dr. Curlin has worked to bring attention to the intersection of medicine, ethics, and theology. In 2012 he helped to found both the University of Chicago’s Program on Medicine and Religion and the annual Conference on Medicine and Religion. Since 2015, through Duke Divinity School’s TMC Initiative, he and colleagues have brought graduate theological training to those with vocations to health care.

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What Does it Mean to Be Evangelical? A Conversation with Dr. Walter Kim
12:30 PM12:30

What Does it Mean to Be Evangelical? A Conversation with Dr. Walter Kim

Join us for a conversation over lunch with Dr. Walter Kim, the President of the National Association of Evangelicals.

The word "evangelical" means different things to different people. Is it helpful to keep using this term, and if so, what exactly does it describe? Dr. Kim will offer his thoughts on these questions and lead us in a discussion on what it means to be an evangelical Christian today.

Event details

This event will take place at the North Carolina Study Center on Friday, Nov. 1st from 12:30 pm - 1:45 pm. Lunch will be included free of charge for participants. Please RSVP below for catering purposes. 

Speaker Bio

Walter Kim has been president of the National Association of Evangelicals since January 2020. He previously served as a pastor at Boston’s historic Park Street Church and at churches in Vancouver, Canada and Charlottesville, Virginia, as well as a campus chaplain at Yale University. He serves on the boards of Christianity Today and World Relief and consults with a wide range of organizations. Kim received his Ph.D. from Harvard University in Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations, his M.Div. from Regent College in Vancouver, and his B.A. from Northwestern University.

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Lunch & Learn: Sabbath Rest
12:30 PM12:30

Lunch & Learn: Sabbath Rest

Rediscovering Sacred Rhythms in a Busy World

Join us for a one-time seminar exploring the theme of Sabbath rest. We’ll talk about the biblical foundations of Sabbath, its spiritual significance, and how we can practically implement it to live more peaceful, centered lives. This time of teaching and discussion will provide theoretical insights and practical guidance for how to restore balance, deepen faith, and nourish the soul. Reclaim the sacred rhythm of rest and refresh your spirit!

Please note: food will not be provided, but we invite you to bring your own lunch!

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The Christian View of the Human ..and Some Implications For the Beginning and End of Life.
1:30 PM13:30

The Christian View of the Human ..and Some Implications For the Beginning and End of Life.

Join us for a panel discussion on the Christian view of the human. We'll explore how the Christian faith shapes and impacts thoughts on key life questions including; the beginning of life, pregnancy, and abortion as well as "death with dignity."

Dr. Susan Bane

Dr. Susan Bane has practiced obstetrics and gynecology for 25 years, including in private practice at Greenville Obstetrics and Gynecology and serving as a clinical professor at the Brody School of Medicine at East Carolina University. She recently completed the Theology, Medicine, and Culture Certification program at Duke Divinity School.

Dr. Farr Curlin

Farr Curlin, MD, is Josiah Trent Professor of Medical Humanities in the Trent Center for Bioethics, Humanities, & History of Medicine and Co-Director of the Theology, Medicine and Culture Initiative (TMC) at Duke University. Dr. Curlin has worked to bring attention to the intersection of medicine, ethics, and theology. In 2012 he helped to found both the University of Chicago’s Program on Medicine and Religion and the annual Conference on Medicine and Religion. Since 2015, through Duke Divinity School’s TMC Initiative, he and colleagues have brought graduate theological training to those with vocations to health care.

Dr. Kavin Rowe

Kavin Rowe is the Vice Dean of the Faculty and the George Washington Ivey Distinguished Professor of New Testament at Duke. The second of three volumes of his collected essays has recently been published as Method, Context, and Meaning in New Testament Studies (Eerdmans, 2024). The first volume is Leading Christian Communities (Eerdmans, 2023). Rowe is the author of four other books: Christianity's Surprise: A Sure and Certain Hope (Abingdon, 2020), One True Life: the Stoics and Early Christians as Rival Traditions (Yale University Press, 2016), World Upside Down: Reading Acts in the Graeco-Roman Age (Oxford University Press, 2009, paperback 2010), and Early Narrative Christology (de Gruyter, 2006, repr. Baker Academic, 2009). Dr. Rowe received his BA from Wake Forest University, his M.Div from Princeton Theological Seminary, and his Ph.D. from Duke.

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Hungry for Truth, Dealing with Doubt: An Evening with Gavin Ortlund & Molly Worthen
7:00 PM19:00

Hungry for Truth, Dealing with Doubt: An Evening with Gavin Ortlund & Molly Worthen

Hungry for Truth, Dealing with Doubt: Truth-seeking in a Secular Age

How many of us really want to know the truth? If we were to honestly seek the truth, where would it lead? And how should we respond when what we learn calls into question what we used to be sure about?

Join us for a conversation with Dr. Gavin Ortlund and Dr. Molly Worthen as they discuss truth-seeking, confidence, and the place of doubt in the journey of faith. They’ll offer advice on how we can come alongside friends and family who are wrestling with doubt, and how we can process our own while continuing to seek the Truth, who is Christ.

Event Details

RSVP Here. This event will begin at 7 pm at the North Carolina Study Center. We’ll be seated outside under a large tent on the front lawn. We look forward to seeing you there!

Speaker Bios

Dr. Gavin Ortlund is a pastor, author, speaker, and apologist for the Christian faith. He serves as the president of Truth Unites and theologian-in-residence at Immanuel Nashville. He is the author of eight books, including Why God Makes Sense in a World That Doesn’t and What It Means to Be Protestant. He earned his doctorate from Fuller Theological Seminary.

Dr. Molly Worthen is an associate professor of history at UNC and a freelance journalist. She received her BA and PhD from Yale University. Her research focuses on North American religious and intellectual history, and her most recent book, Apostles of Reason, examines American evangelical intellectual life since 1945. She regularly contributes to the New York Times, writing about religion, politics, and higher education.

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Do not worry? Christian Students and the Challenge of Anxiety
5:15 PM17:15

Do not worry? Christian Students and the Challenge of Anxiety

  • North Carolina Study Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Faith, Theology, and Mental Wellness

Do not worry? Christian students and the challenge of anxiety

Warren Kinghorn, MD, ThD

Psychiatrist and theologian, Warren Kinghorn, will join us for a conversation about the challenge of anxiety that so many students experience. Dr. Kinghorn also will introduce a Christian approach to mental health care advanced in his recent book, Wayfaring (2024).

About the Healthcare Fellowship Forum

The North Carolina Study Center is partnering with Triangle Christian Medical and Dental Associations and the Theology, Medicine, and Culture Initiative at Duke Divinity School to host a series of informal gatherings for Christians in health-related fields at UNC. Through mini-lectures, panels, and table conversations, these gatherings provide opportunities to learn and think with colleagues about how to live out vocations to health care with clarity, wisdom, and courage.

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Dinner with the Dean: Dr Jed Atkins
5:30 PM17:30

Dinner with the Dean: Dr Jed Atkins

What’s the Point of College? (Why the Liberal Arts Matter)

Event Details

People say that college is about more than making good grades and getting a job, but what exactly is it for? Come hear from Dr. Jed Atkins, the new Director and Dean of the School of Civic Life & Leadership, as he discusses what a student can gain from a university education, and how to take advantage of that opportunity during the coming year.

Free dinner with be provided! Here is the link to RSVP.

Speaker Bio

Jed Atkins is the director and dean of the school of Civic Life and Leadership at UNC. Prior to this role, he spent 15 years at Duke University, where he was on faculty in the classics department and also served as the director of the Civil Discourse Project. Jed completed his doctoral work at the prestigious University of Cambridge and his scholarly research has focused mainly on Greek and Roman political thought and ethics.

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Carolina Way Camp 2024
to Aug 17

Carolina Way Camp 2024

  • Chapel Hill, NC, 27514 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Carolina Way Camp is a first-year orientation experience for incoming freshmen who know or are seeking to know Jesus Christ. It is an opportunity for students to build friendships and be welcomed into the Christian community at UNC. Campers will spend each day bonding with other campers through group events, free time activities, and daily sessions including worship and teaching from Scripture. Topics will include Christian community, mental health, and faithfully following Christ in college.

Our mission is to offer incoming first years friendship and an all-encompassing picture of what it looks like to follow Jesus at UNC — to live for Christ with all of their heart, soul, mind, and strength. (Luke 10:27).

If you have any questions, please email Andrew Borror at

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Consortium of Christian Study Centers Annual Meeting
to Jul 17

Consortium of Christian Study Centers Annual Meeting

  • North Carolina Study Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

We are hosting the annual meeting of the Consortium of Christian Study Centers in Chapel Hill from July 15-17, 2024. Member study centers from across the country will gather to exchange best practices, renew their vision, and learn from distinguished speakers.

Learn more about the work of the Consortium here. Or click below to see more of what the annual meeting will look like.

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Journey of Generosity - postponed
10:00 AM10:00

Journey of Generosity - postponed

The following event has been postponed until the Fall! Please email with any questions.

Hosted By National Christian Foundation Carolinas

Generous Giving hosts free events that help explore generosity without asking for anything in return. At the Journey of Generosity (JOG) retreat, we will watch video stories, engage in personal Bible study, have focused solitude time before the Lord, and participate in authentic conversations with our friends. Most conversations about giving end with an ask for money. This one doesn’t. We hope you can make it!

Please RSVP by 5/10/24. Contact Kathryn Williams with any questions at (919.438.0350).

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The High Country Carolina Conversations
7:00 PM19:00

The High Country Carolina Conversations

Attention incoming Tar Heels and parents from the Ashe, Watauga, and Avery counties!

The North Carolina Study Center invites you to join us for this special evening hosted by the Gatewood’s to connect with other incoming freshmen students and parents, to learn from current students about the UNC student experience, and to hear from Study Center supporters about opportunities to get plugged into Christian life at UNC.

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Study Center Open House for Graduates & Their Families
2:00 PM14:00

Study Center Open House for Graduates & Their Families

Graduating students! We would love to celebrate and see you & your families on May 11th before the graduation ceremony on Saturday night. We invite you to join us at the Study Center for an open house and light refreshments.

Please RSVP to let us know your headcount.

Reach out to with any questions.

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Grad Student Speakeasy
5:00 PM17:00

Grad Student Speakeasy

Interested in meeting some other Christian graduate students at UNC? Come hang out at Gizmo Brew Works at 5 PM on Monday, April 29th.

This is an informal gathering—no need to RSVP—& feel free to invite your friends. We hope to see you there!

Address: 157 E Franklin St #100, Chapel Hill, NC 27514

Questions? Contact Connor Porco (new NC Study Center staff) at or 434-987-2271

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Triad Carolina Conversations (Winston-Salem, Greensboro, High Point)
6:30 PM18:30

Triad Carolina Conversations (Winston-Salem, Greensboro, High Point)

Incoming Tar Heels and parents from the Triad area (Winston-Salem, Greensboro, High Point): Welcome to UNC!

The North Carolina Study Center invites you to join us for this special evening to connect with other incoming freshmen students and parents, to learn from current students about the UNC student experience, and to hear from Study Center staff members about opportunities to get plugged into Christian life at UNC.

This event will be hosted at Hope Presbyterian Church (2050 Peace Haven Road, Winston-Salem, NC 27106). We will meet at the Hope Pavilion behind the church. It is open to all incoming Tar Heels and their families: Please feel free to pass along the invitation! Be sure to RSVP below & we will email you more information once the event gets closer. Light refreshments will be served.

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Charlotte Carolina Conversations
6:30 PM18:30

Charlotte Carolina Conversations

Attention incoming Tar Heels and parents from the Charlotte area!

The North Carolina Study Center invites you to join us for this special evening to connect with other incoming freshmen students and parents, to learn from current students about the UNC student experience, and to hear from Study Center staff members about opportunities to get plugged into Christian life at UNC.

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Raleigh Carolina Conversations
7:00 PM19:00

Raleigh Carolina Conversations

Attention incoming Tar Heels and parents from the Raleigh area!

The North Carolina Study Center invites you to join us for this special evening to connect with other incoming freshmen students and parents, to learn from current students about the UNC student experience, and to hear from Study Center staff members about opportunities to get plugged into Christian life at UNC.

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Reading Philemon with the Early Church: A Live Commentary with Dr. Ben Witherington III
12:30 PM12:30

Reading Philemon with the Early Church: A Live Commentary with Dr. Ben Witherington III

Join us over lunch for a live commentary on the book of Philemon with Dr. Ben Witherington III, a world-renowned New Testament scholar & UNC alum!

Philemon is a short book but an important one for understanding the mission and context of the early church. Dr. Witherington will walk us through this important letter, capturing its core ideas while drawing out features that might be confusing or easily misunderstood by modern readers. His knowledge of the greco-roman world and the context of the early church will help illumine the crucial message of Philemon in its own day and it’s relevance for our lives today.

Event Details

This event will take place at the North Carolina Study Center on Friday, April 19th from 12:30 pm - 1:45 pm. Lunch will be included free of charge for participants. Please RSVP below for catering purposes.


Speaker Bio

Dr. Ben Witherington III is a New Testament scholar, a professor of New Testament Interpretation at Asbury Theological Seminary in Kentucky, and is also an ordained pastor in the Methodist Church. Ben is from High Point, NC, and graduated from UNC with a Bachelor of Arts degree in English in 1974. He then went on to pursue an MDIV from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary and a Ph.D. from Durham University in England. He has taught at several different seminaries and universities including Ashland Theological Seminary, Vanderbilt University, St. Andrews University in Scotland, and Asbury Theological Seminary. He has written over sixty books and received numerous awards for his scholarship.

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Is there a Way of Medicine for Christians?
5:15 PM17:15

Is there a Way of Medicine for Christians?

Healthcare Fellowship Forum

Is there a Way of Medicine for Christians?

Please join us for a conversation with Dr. Farr Curlin, physician-ethicist, co-director of the Theology, Medicine, & Culture Initiative at Duke Divinity School, and “twice-baptized” Tarheel alum! What does it look like to practice medicine Christianly? The answer is not always obvious, but it may look quite different than what many Christians imagine. In this session, we’ll dig deep to consider what Hippocrates, science, compassion, and justice have to do with Christian practices of hospitality toward those who are sick and injured. We’ll look for a way of medicine that reflects the Christian story and the hope we share.

This event is open to all UNC students and practitioners in health-related fields. It is co-sponsored by the Theology, Medicine, & Cultural Initiative at Duke Divinity School (TMC) and the Triangle Christian Medical and Dental Association (CMDA).

About the Healthcare Fellowship Forum

The North Carolina Study Center is partnering with Triangle Christian Medical and Dental Associations and the Theology, Medicine, and Culture Initiative at Duke Divinity School to host a series of informal gatherings for Christians in health-related fields at UNC. Through mini-lectures, panels, and table conversations, these gatherings provide opportunities to learn and think with colleagues about how to live out vocations to health care with clarity, wisdom, and courage.

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Idolatry in Amazon's World: An Evening with Dr. William Cavanaugh
5:15 PM17:15

Idolatry in Amazon's World: An Evening with Dr. William Cavanaugh

We all worship something.

If it’s not God, then it’s money, prestige, entertainment, or any number of created things. It is commonly assumed that the world today is “secular” and less religious than it used to be. In his recent book, The Uses of Idolatry (2024), Dr. Cavanaugh suggests that this is not the case; idolatry is alive and well today. Our worship may not be explicit, he says, but we all worship something, even if it is worshiping ourselves through purchasing consumer goods.

Even in the church, we may claim to worship God alone, but struggle with finding ourselves drawn to wealth, a political party, or success at work. These aren’t bad things, but for them to not become idols we need to reflect on the nature of our worship and what an appropriate relationship to the material world looks like.

Join us for an evening lecture followed by Q&A with Dr. William Cavanaugh, a renowned author, professor, and theologian from DePaul University.

Event Details

This event will take place at the North Carolina Study Center (203 Battle Lane). Parking is available in the gravel lot behind our building after 5 pm. Additional nearby parking options can be found on UNC’s transportation website.


Speaker Bio: Dr. William Cavanaugh is a professor of Catholic Studies at the University of DePaul. He is the author of numerous books, including The Myth of Religious Violence (2009), Migrations of the Holy: Theologies of State and Church (2011), and Field Hospital: The Church’s Engagement with a Wounded World (2016). He has published over 130 journal articles and book chapters in 17 languages and has lectured on six continents. His work explores the intersection of economics, politics, and the Church.

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The Gospel and Golf
7:00 PM19:00

The Gospel and Golf

  • The North Carolina Study Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The Gospel and Golf

February 22, 2024

Come hear from three friends - professional golfers Webb Simpson and Ben Crane along with William Kane of College Golf Fellowship - as they talk about how finding your identity in a relationship with God leads to new ways of competing, growing, and playing. William, Webb, and Ben have hosted a podcast together for the last year called the Bible Caddie, and on 2/22 they will be drawing from past conversations as they share with our community. Several members of the UNC golf team (David Ford, Maxwell Ford, Peter Fountain) will provide reflections as well.

Event Details

This event will be held at the The North Carolina Study Center (203 Battle Lane, Chapel Hill, NC 27514).

This event is sponsored by the North Carolina Study Center in partnership with Durham-Chapel Hill Young Life, the UNC chapter of Athletes in Action, and the College Golf Fellowship.

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"You Have Made Your People See Hard Things:" Beauty, Faith, and Mental Health
5:15 PM17:15

"You Have Made Your People See Hard Things:" Beauty, Faith, and Mental Health

  • North Carolina Study Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Healthcare Fellowship Forum

“You Have Made Your People See Hard Things:” Beauty, Faith, and Mental Health

Please join us for a conversation with Dr. Brewer Eberly, family physician and McDonald Agape Fellow for the Theology, Medicine, & Cultural Initiative at Duke Divinity School. Dr. Eberly will be discussing the surprising connections between beauty, Christian faith, and mental health. This will not be another talk on art therapy or the medical humanities. Rather, we hope to raise deeper questions: what does beauty offer the clinician in an unprecedented season of anxiety, depression, and restlessness for many patients and healers? What difference might a Christian account of the beautiful make for the practice of medicine and the work of God’s people who “have seen and heard things?” (Psalm 60:3).

This event is open to all UNC students and practitioners in health-related fields. It is co-sponsored by the Theology, Medicine, & Cultural Initiative at Duke Divinity School (TMC) and the Triangle Christian Medical and Dental Association (CMDA).

About the Healthcare Fellowship Forum

The North Carolina Study Center is partnering with Triangle Christian Medical and Dental Associations and the Theology, Medicine, and Culture Initiative at Duke Divinity School to host a series of informal gatherings for Christians in health-related fields at UNC. Through mini-lectures, panels, and table conversations, these gatherings provide opportunities to learn and think with colleagues about how to live out vocations to health care with clarity, wisdom, and courage.

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