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Seminars & Discussion Groups

Developing a Christian Mind: A Conference for Grad Students

Spring 2025

Join other UNC, Duke, and NC State graduate students, postdocs, and faculty on January 24-25 as we explore integrating our faith with our academic life through this two-day conference. To read more about the conference or to register, click here.

Our other seminars are also open to graduate students! You can see the list and sign up here.

Partner Organizations

Carolina Christian Legal Society

The Christian Legal Society of the University of North Carolina School of Law is a Christ-centered student group with a focus on fellowship, mentorship, and pro bono service. Our members include law students and professionals who are committed to glorifying God through spiritual formation, compassionate outreach, and the integration of faith and legal practice. All are welcome to join us!

To learn more, visit the CLS website.

Christian Medical & Dental association

The UNC medical and dental chapters support small groups, Bible studies, brown bag lunches with guest speakers, regular social events, a mentorship program, and monthly dinners with the Triangle Christian Medical Fellowship. We also work to build relationships between Christian students and faculty members.

To learn more, visit the CMDA website.

Intervarsity Graduate Christian Fellowship (FOCUS)

InterVarsity Graduate Christian Fellowship (IVGCF), also known as FOCUS, is a student-led and student-supported group that aims to provide a Christ-centered environment in which graduate and professional students can grow spiritually, develop intellectually, interact socially, and share their Christian faith with others.

To learn more, visit the FOCUS website.