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God's Gym? Fitness Culture and Christian Discipleship

  • North Carolina Study Center 203 Battle Lane Chapel Hill, NC, 27514 United States (map)

Exercise & Physical Fitness

Thinking Theologically About the Gym

Have you ever thought about why you exercise (or don't) as a Christian? Does the body being a temple mean we should all lift weights and have gym memberships? Exercise has innumerable health benefits, and it may be useful in our sedentary age, but fitness culture can also be vain and lead people to struggle with body image or pride or shame. How can we care for our bodies well as Christians, and how does should our faith inform our engagements with exercise? Join us as NCSC staff member, Dr. Andrew Borror, talks about the topic of his dissertation. He’ll give a brief presentation, offering a Christian framework for thinking about exercise, followed by an extended time of Q&A. Bring your questions!

This event is co-sponsored by the Theology, Medicine, & Cultural Initiative at Duke Divinity School (TMC) and the Triangle Christian Medical and Dental Association (CMDA). Light refreshments will be served.

Speaker bio

Andrew Borror is a theological ethicist and priest (ACNA) who works at the North Carolina Study Center in Chapel Hill. He holds a Ph.D. in Divinity from the University of Aberdeen and master’s degrees in Exercise Physiology (UNC) and Theological Studies (Duke). His doctoral dissertation focused on the theology of exercise and physical fitness.

About the Healthcare Fellowship Forum

The North Carolina Study Center is partnering with Triangle Christian Medical and Dental Associations and the Theology, Medicine, and Culture Initiative at Duke Divinity School to host a series of informal gatherings for Christians in health-related fields at UNC. Through mini-lectures, panels, and table conversations, these gatherings provide opportunities to learn and think with colleagues about how to live out vocations to health care with clarity, wisdom, and courage.