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Developing a Christian Mind: A Conference for Grad Students

  • East Duke Building 1304 Campus Drive Durham, NC, 27708 United States (map)

What does our calling to be disciples of Christ mean for our academic life, whether we remain in the Academy or pursue professional careers beyond graduate school? 

What are some of the promises and pitfalls of the scholarly life? How can academics and postgraduate students serve and relate to the wider body of Christ, the Church? Considering these questions is a matter of Christian discipleship for graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and academics.

Join other UNC, Duke, and NC State graduate students, postdocs, and faculty as we explore integrating our faith with our academic life through this two-day conference. The event will include lectures by academics including Christina Gibson-Davis (Public Policy), Peter Feaver (Political Science), Ehsan Samei (Radiology), Molly Worthen (History), Nathan Thielman (Medicine), Jeremy Purvis (Genetics), and Norman Wirzba (Theology). There is also plenty of time for discipline-based discussion. Registration includes discussion group dinners hosted by faculty around Durham and Chapel Hill on Friday evening.

Please note, this event is for Christian graduate students and faculty only. To learn more about the conference, please click the button below.