St. Augustine’s Confessions Reading Group
“You have made us for yourself, and our heart is restless until it rests in you” -Augustine
Excepting the New Testament authors, Augustine of Hippo (354-430 AD) is widely considered to be the greatest Christian theologian of the Church’s first millennium. His prolific output of writings, which address a remarkably wide breadth of topics, have shaped virtually all Christian thinkers who have come after him. It would be difficult to overstate his impact on Christianity.
This fall, the North Carolina Study Center will host a weekly reading group to enjoy what is arguably Augustine’s most famous work, Confessions.
Written as his spiritual autobiography, Confessions is the gripping account of the middle-aged Augustine reflecting on his earlier life: his youthful spiritual wandering, his insatiable quest for love and truth, and his eventual dramatic conversion to Christianity. Join us this fall at the Study Center for thought-provoking discussion about this remarkable book!
“The work has a perennial power to speak, even though written virtually sixteen centuries ago and certainly a book rooted in antiquity. The contemporary reader today may find much of it so ‘modern’ that at times it is a shock to discover how very ancient are the presuppositions and the particular context in which the author wrote.” -Dr. Henry Chadwick, Translator and Editor