Madison Perry

Executive director

Madison Perry is the Founder and Executive Director of the North Carolina Study Center. A double Tarheel (BA '06, JD '13), Madison long dreamed of a Christian Study Center in Chapel Hill, and in 2014 founded NCSC along with an alumni steering committee.

Originally from Kinston, NC, Madison studied Spanish and Political Science in undergrad and return to UNC for law school. He also received a Masters in Theological Studies with a concentration in Ethics and New Testament from Duke Divinity School.

Madison and his wife, Pamela, live in Durham, NC and have six children. He enjoys golf and talking while walking and has interests in the role of literature and friendship in moral formation. Madison is an ordained priest in the Diocese of the Carolinas (ACNA) and serves on the UNC Board of Visitors. He has served on several boards, including the Consortium of Christian Study Centers.

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